Free Government Assistance For Single Moms-Money For Mothers
A large number of households are led by single moms and debt is the overriding concern in each of those households. The costs of daycare often render the option of working irrelevant as many women cannot earn enough to cover the cost of day care and pay their bills. Add to that the stress of being the sole support, the home maker, the only in-home parent and taking care of all the chores and errands and the job becomes an exasperating, exhausting one.
Help is available if you only knew where to look for it. Start with the agencies in your community that offer government assistance. Housing assistance, employment assistance and tuition assistance can help take some of the pressure off. Begin with your neighborhood telephone directory, a good resource to the agencies serving your community. You can augment this with some Internet surfing, too.
Aid is also available from higher level government organizations. For example each state has a branch of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families or TANF. Through this organization you may be eligible for food stamps, training so that you can find a job and placement assistance. Your local utility company may offer special programs that help pay all or part of your heating bills. Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program or LIHEAP is another option for heating bill assistance.
You can also look for government grants that can help in your situation. Each grant will have a different stated purpose and set of guidelines for applying and qualifying. Some can be used to pay for schooling while others might help start a small business or be used for one a variety of purposes. Search for the type of grant that suits your needs and read through the application process carefully before applying. Make sure you submit all required documentation and meet the deadlines for applying.
Taking care of your family on a single income or on public assistance is a demanding, full-time job. Don't let pride keep you from asking for help. We live in a world that is increasingly stressed by financial problems and everyone is struggling. There are programs in place to help you get through the rough patches. Take advantage of them so you can find time to enjoy your family as well as making sure their needs are met. Even a small amount of grants for single mothers used in the right way can make a big difference.
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