Grants For Single Mothers to Pay Off Debt-Grants To Repay Loans
A grants is better than a loan because you do not have to repay the money you get under a grant. For single mothers it can get difficult to strike a balance between meeting the financial commitments and taking care of the family. Many a time, it so happens that they get over burdened with responsibility, and aren't able to provide for their family. Single mothers unable to cope with such situations, find themselves in a debt trap with nowhere to turn for help. Taking a loan to pay off the debt or to do something meaningful with their lives is just not an option, in such cases, grants are the only help available. Grants for single mothers are offered by the government and nonprofit organizations, to help them support their families.
College Grants
The US government has several programs that offer college grants for single moms. The federal Pell grant program offers grant money ranging from USD 400 to USD 5,000 and has a turn around time of 2 to 4 weeks. To apply for this grant you will need to fill out the 'Free Application for Federal Student Aid' (FAFSA). You will also need documents like social security number, driving license and income proof to apply for this grant. The college financial aid office will be able to provide you detailed information about these grants.
The Teach Grant is also a great initiative of the government grants for single mothers that allows them to study and acquire higher education. Grants are for a specific purpose and the Teach Grant stipulates that you are required to teach for at least a year in schools that cater to students from families with low income. It offers up to USD 4,000 in grant money.
Not for profit organizations like Jeannette Rankin Foundation provide college grants for women over the age of 30. A woman getting a scholarship is able to pursue higher education and get gainful employment, such grants can be termed as financial aid for single mothers to pay off debt. Other organizations like Raise the Nation and the Women's Independence Scholarship program also offer financial assistance to single mothers.
Some organizations offer to pay of your education debts if you are pursuing education that will be helpful to society for example if you're studying to be a teacher or if you are studying medicine.
Another resource to check for grants that will eventually help you pay off your debts is the Office of Departmental Grants Management and Oversight (ODGMO). The government has allocated millions of dollars in grant money, which enables single mothers to pursue business opportunities. Although the government does not advertise these grants, taking advantage of this some organizations offer these same grants.
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