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Sunday, 22 April 2012

Government Grants For Starting Small Business Canada-Even For Single Mothers

Government Grants For Starting Small Business Canada-Even For Single Mothers

Having a great business plan is one thing, but finding a way to fund it is another. This is when Canada grants come in useful for getting your small business plan implemented through the most convenient way possible. Many of these grants aren’t all given for free. In fact they may require you to put up matching funds to make your business plan work. Which means you will also have to spend some of your own money to avail of government money. So if you have a business plan, here are some ways you can find the Canadian grant that will help you kick start your project.

Know the business jargon
A government grant isn’t just given to anyone. It is given to someone who knows his stuff, knows what he’s talking about, and has a clear direction and plan as to how to implement his business plan. By knowing your business terminology and writing a clear convincing proposal to the government agency you are applying funds for, you can be sure that you will up your chances of obtaining a grant.

Research online
The internet is a great resource for reliable grant information in Canada. You can find a lot of listings for grants at the website of Industry Canada or The Business Link of Alberta. Search the government websites and the kinds of financial assistance they offer businessmen and entrepreneurs.

Find more within your sector
You may already be a part of a network that has the inside information on what grants are being offered and the best ways to get an approval on some of them. If you are an entrepreneur, you can find information like that from business partners and other businessmen in the same kind of industry.

Find the grant-rich areas of Canada
Depending on your region or province, agencies giving out grants will vary in their preferences of what kinds of businesses should be funded and encouraged. Whether you are in Ontario or somewhere else, find out what the popular sector is that they are supporting in the area. When you find it you will be able to know where to apply for the grant you need.

Be a member of organizations and groups that matter
Position your business to be part of a group that will in turn be privy to different grants available specifically for them. For instant, being a part of a chamber for commerce may put you in a position where funders will look only within your group for people to fund their projects.

So do that search now and find the right grantor to give you the government grant you need to kick-start your business. You will find that it is all worth it in the end when you are running your business on extra money given to you through a Canada grant.

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