College Study Grants For Low Income Single Mothers-Free Grant Money
Despite great strides in the standard of living, too many single mother households still remain below the poverty line. One major reason is that many of these single moms are very poorly educated.
Regardless of skin color and religion, the modern economy is very knowledge-intensive and those with low levels of education will definitely lose out. Fortunately, there are grants for low income single mothers to go to college.
In these modern times, many people take a college education for granted. Unfortunately, many immigrant families still follow traditions where the woman is expected to stay home and bear children. This is not an unreasonable idea... but only when there are strong community ties to fall back on when the man of the house is not available or not able to perform his duties.
That means when or if something happens to the main breadwinner, the bereaved family quickly finds itself in a deep hole. The now single mother finds herself unable to get any decent jobs, forced to work minimum wage jobs to keep her children fed.
If she wants to keep her family intact, she will need to get herself a college degree. If she did not graduate high school, she will need to take night classes until she has enough credits to get her diploma.
While high school is still reasonably affordable, college is a different matter entirely. College tuition fees have increased at three times the rate of inflation, and cost at least $9000 a year (based on 2009 data). Fortunately, there are education grants for low income single mothers available.
From the federal government, there are the Pell and FSEOG grants. These are actually open to any US citizen, which means that our unfortunate single mother is also eligible to apply for it. Given her difficult finances, she is likely to receive close to the full amount - $5500 for the Pell grant and $4000 for the FSEOG grant - if she studies full time.
That means she can easily pay for her college tuition almost completely through these two grants, with the remainder as a government-subsidized Stafford or Perkins tuition loan. Of course, if she studies part-time, her college tuition fees will cost less and she will receive correspondingly less government aid.
Her starting point is the government-operated Free Application For Federal Student Aid website. Upon successful processing and approval of her application, she will need to take her results to her college financial aid office.
Her college will handle the actual liaison with the bureaucrats administering the individual scholarship and grant programs. This is the same regardless of whether it is the Pell, FSEOG, Perkins or Stafford programs.
Our modern economy is very knowledge-intensive. Those without at least a Bachelors degree will have great difficulty getting decent jobs that pay more than a minimum wage. Unfortunately, many single mothers, especially those from ethnic minorities, did not go to college.
Whether their husbands died or abandoned them, these families end up in poverty. These women do not have money to get their higher education, but without a Bachelors degree cannot get a better job. Fortunately, there are grants for low income single mothers to short-circuit this downward spiral of poverty.
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